Whats a soggy biscuit
Whats a soggy biscuit

whats a soggy biscuit

So what’s the optimum time for a conventional biscuit dunk? Dr Fisher recommends something between 3.5 seconds and 5 seconds. This painful calamity is a tragedy that many of us have experienced first hand. The wetted biscuit eventually collapses under its own weight.” The problem for serious biscuit dunkers is that hot tea or coffee dissolves the sugar, melts the fat and swells and softens the starch grains in the biscuit. “If recent market research is to be believed,” wrote Dr Fisher on, “one biscuit dunk in every five ends in disaster, with the dunker fishing around in the bottom of the cup for the soggy remains. In the late 1990s, Australian scientist and writer Dr Len Fisher conducted an experiment with colleagues in Bristol University physics department to analyse the intricacies of dunking. Perhaps most important is the relationship between the biscuit and the beverage, and the dunking time. The gluten can cause the cookies to have a tough texture. The more you mix it the more that the gluten develops. When you mix flour with a liquid or fat the gluten begins developing. In the USA chocolate chip cookies are dunked into milk. If the cookies came out dry and tough it could be that you over mixed the dough. In parts of India sweet and salty osmania biscuits are dunked into chai. In Italy today deliciously crunchy biscotti are served on the side of cappuccinos. It’s believed that the word biscuit comes from the Latin “bis cotum” which means twice baked.ĭunking has a place in cultures the world over. Centuries before hard tack, the Romans were dunking unleavened wafers into wine. To moisten the hard tack sailors would dunk them in brine or coffee to soften up the biscuits. They were sometimes known as “tooth dullers” and “molar breakers” on account of their hardness. They were ideal for long voyages, and it’s thought that the bakers of the time made these biscuits as hard as possible to make sure they would maintain their crunch after long periods, often years, in the high seas. A soggy biscuit is a term used to describe a sexual act where a male ejaculates onto a biscuit which is then eaten by a female.


Naval life in the 1500s included an allowance of hard tack, a simple cracker that sailors lived off.

whats a soggy biscuit

What have been some famous dunkers and dunkees throughout history? There’s an instinctive draw to dunking your biscuit in a hot beverage, and it’s not hard to believe that humans have been doing so since we had biscuits to dunk and tea to dunk it in. The act of dunking a biscuit into a cup of hot tea awakens a level of comfort in the biscuit-dunker that is the culinary equivalent of curling up on the sofa with a hot water bottle.

Whats a soggy biscuit